Phuket City

Phuket City
Here I am at a park in Phuket with a great view

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Welcome 2011!

Well, it is a new year, and January has already zipped past me. I have a feeling that time will be moving  at super speed from now on. Time to bring you up to speed. So far this month most of our ministries have remained the same with a couple of new additions.
I have started a baking class! I am very excited about have had a lot of fun with it so far. Even though most Thai's don't have an oven, they love to bake and make "foreigner food" as they call it. It gives me a chance to do something I love and spend time with my Thai friends. We meet together once a week, and bake what they request. I have even had a chance to learn some Thai desserts as the same time!

       We also had our first official University drop-in this month. One of our goals is to meet students at the Phuket Universities and then invite them to the center for events. We would love to draw more young adults age people to the church. We know that this will take time. A lot of our usual friends came but no new people that we met at the University. We are planning to go their every week to hang out with them at lunch times. We will need to build relationships their before most of them will be willing to come to our center. Keep praying for good relationships!
One of my most exciting stories this month is of my language teacher Dtuk. My relationship with her has been growing and she has become a good friend. Her family has also become very involved in our center and our events. They have even started coming to church. Dtuk usually is helping in the kitchen but she loves being there. she has also had some amazing conversations with the missionaries Becky and Cynthia. she told them that she has been noticing good differences between Christians and Buddhists. I think she is becoming very interested in Christianity. She and her children love coming to the center and being around us. Her husband is also warming up to us! I am very excited as Dtuk and her family have become very special to me, and I know they are special to God. Keep praying for them that their hearts would soften towards Jesus and they would be willing to open their hearts to him!
Dtuk teaching me how to cook Thai

Another new ministry we have begun is teaching English to highschool students at a local school two days a week. This school is a little less privileged than others and doesn't always have good English teachers. Our classes are pretty fun as they mostly consist of playing games and having fun! We have really connected with one of the teachers there who is a Thai English teacher. she translates for us in the classroom. Her name is Dtoom. Last week we had a great conversation with her about Christianity. She said she had a friend who was a christian who she went to church with once. She said she has always been interested in Christianity but her husband is very buddhist and against it. Please pray for them that their heats would be softened and our relationship with her would be fruitful!

Next month we have a retreat coming up and many other fun events planned. Never a dull moment!

Over this next month please pray for:
- new relationships
- for transformation in the lives of the people we already do know
- for a spiritually, emotionally, and physically refreshing retreat for our team

- also for two of our Thai believers whose house just got broken into. Many things were taken of the little they had. Pray that they would not be discouraged and that we would be able to meet their need.